
Mindfulness , Awareness

好朋友 Raul 和 Heidi 去年從緬甸寄來了他們老師 ( Ashin Tejaniya) 撰寫的靈修書籍 - "Don't look down on the defilements, they will laugh at you",經過了幾番轉折,終於來到手上 ,書的內容很適合初學內觀靜坐的朋友閱讀,在 Sayadaw U Tejaniya 的網頁上找到書的電子版本,在此,希望可以和大家一起分享:

(extract from the book)
Essence of the Practice:
  • - Develop a right understanding of the practice;
  • - Practise continuously; it is absoulutely essential for the developmenmt of your practice;
  • - Relax;
  • - Have the right attitude, accept your experience just as it is;
  • - Be aware intelligently;
  • - Recognize the defilements.

要閱讀全書內容,請瀏覽Sayadaw U Tejaniya 的網頁:http://sayadawutejaniya.org/
